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05 June 2009

Breathe Again

School is "unofficially" over! Yehey! Well, it's not exactly off yet because my daughter has to take her extra-curricular activities in school although it is already optional. We decided to sign her up since she loves arts and crafts.

I can finally breathe again after my short hiatus from blogging. Honestly, I feel like I enjoyed the brief "lull" in my blogging activity because I had time to focus on my daughter's studies and on my health.

I miss writing and visiting my blogger pals who I hope are not mad for my lack of comments and the round of visits. I will bounce back soon. I just need to do more mommy duties before my daughter goes to Manila for her summer vacation. Apart from that, I have a messy room to clean, a closet-full of tight and unworn garments taking unnecessary space, school supplies to donate, books to keep on the shelves and flat-hunting before August comes.

Yes, my hands are full but at least school's over.


  1. dont worry someday your children finish there school. . .your daughter will achieve his goals someday

  2. aw seems like am reading a diary of a supermom!! :)

    i know ur busy if i dont see ur comments at my blogs.. :) i understand but i miss u heheh :)

  3. I understand if you can't bloghop much more blog. It's better to be absent in the blogosphere than to be "absent" in your loved one's lives! :)

    Take care, Ria! Miss ya!


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