In Marlinton, WV, they celebrate the Road Kill Cook Off every year. They don't hunt nor kill animals just for the heck of cooking them but there are rules to be followed and the first one on the list is this:
"All entries must have, as their main ingredient, any animal commonly found dead on the side of the road –
groundhog, opossum, deer, rabbit, squirrel, snake, etc. Pigs, cows, chickens, horses, and goats are also in that
category. However, it need not actually come off the side of the road (and most of the judges would prefer that
it didn’t)."
Oh my! I'm not sure I am ready for that but I have seen a video on the Blue Ribbon episode about the wacky cook off fest in West Virginia a while ago. The hostess liked every entree she had tasted, citing that some of them even tasted like turkey.
No matter what, I think I am not ready for those critters and I will never be. But if you're the adventurous one and would like to dabble on a more exotic yet delectable food, then go to West Virginia every of September. Next year's Road Kill Cook Off will be on 29 September 2013.

i can say it does happen here in mo they get the road kill like the deer an cow most of the cow are given to the farmer or who hit them but road kill can fill freexer quick the deer get kill all the time