
Gymboree Sale On Now!

21 November 2010

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Deals

We just had our vacation in New York. If we had delayed it for another week, we could have experienced the Thanksgiving parade, Black Friday sale and even the Cyber Monday deals other shops and online stores offer to savvy consumers.

My husband cousin briefed us on what happens during Black Friday. People actually line up outside the malls as early as midnight to get ahead. She said, the sale is really awesome and one can actually save a lot by buying their gifts on further discounted prices.

So, my curiosity got the better of me and researched about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I am enticed by the cut backs on gadgets and electronics. I told my husband to schedule our next vacation to the great USA around Thanksgiving time so we can experience the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for publishing such a informative content. I was looking for such type posts. Please keep it up on regular base i would like to view your posts on regular base.....BEST WISHES


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