Your reputation is brought into existence when others make conclusions about you based upon hearsay, photo perceptions and the written word. Any person or company can sell information about you to others, publish videos that may intentionally or inadvertently expose information about you, and publish written opinions based upon a topic that incorporates your personal life or profession. Social media also enables people to share their insights and opinions regarding what they view and read on the internet. This information can have a spiraling effect that can transform into embarrassing false perceptions about a person, especially when anyone from around the world can view this information and publish comments in a matter of seconds. The effects may not only represent your character in a negative way, it can also inhibit your ability to move forward in your career. Every person and business has the right to protect their online reputation, and companies, such as provides the framework to help anyone gain full control over what information is published on the internet.
Many companies are investing into online reputation management to protect their company brands and maintain a positive public reputation. This strategy also helps businesses increase profits, maintain a loyal base of customers, and attract new customers. Individuals in certain professions, such as lawyers, doctors, actors and more are hiring experts to protect their online reputation. Other people are managing their online reputation to protect their identities from telemarketers and identity theft. For instance, the reviews can give you an idea of how a wide variety of individuals and companies in different industries and job professions benefit from maintaining control over how the public perceive them.
When you search your name or company on the internet, the search results will return the most relevant information that includes the name. For instance, if you enter your company name in a Google search engine, you may find a mixture of results, including photos, videos, blog content and comments on social media sites. The top news that relate to your name will appear on the first page of search engine results, and the following pages may include vague data regarding sites that include your name. Also, there are many companies that list advertisements regarding the search engine results of a particular name. These companies are usually offering to sell information about a person.
There are many facets to managing an online reputation. You can conceal information about your personal data, such as your home address, names of family members, previous jobs or your current profession. You can prevent certain websites from publishing anything about you as well as protect your email address, telephone number and postal address from solicitors. Companies can monitor online reviews about their products and establish a firm social media presence.

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