
Gymboree Sale On Now!

14 January 2014

Sverve's No Fail Dinner Ideas Sweepstakes

Sverve has a new sweepstakes and it's easy to join! Just follow Cozi at Pinterest and Pin one of the pictures in the board and submit your pin's url. Voila!

The prize is $25 worth Amazon gift cards. Winners will be announced on Feb. 11, 2014 via email. Join now!

Click the link after this or the image below to join the sweepstakes! Good luck!


  1. Amazon gift cards...nice prize for this promotion.

  2. this make me want to join sverve! I don't really have one yet so :(

  3. $25 gift card is a nice price for this giveaway by Sverve

  4. Planning for dinner meals is very challenging. I always run out of ideas on what to feed my family. This is worth the try, daming sweepstakes and giveaways sis ah.


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