
Gymboree Sale On Now!

01 September 2014

It's My Party's Holiday Gift Guide for 2014

This is the very first time I am running a gift guide list for the Holiday and I want to start this year. I am offering a slot for businesses, family-run business, bloggers with business and those who have creative flair to sell their wares which are all great gift ideas for the Holiday Season. I would like to request wholesome companies and products only as I cater to young readers as well. If you fit the bill then this is the list for you!

What's in store for those who will link up to this fabulous list? By the way, listing is FREE!

1. Your site will be exposed to my numerous social networks, followers and subscribers from October to end of the year. Your link will be up in all my 4 blogs namely: It's My Party (PR 2), The Travel Bug (PR1), Home Is Where The Heart Is (PR1), and The Mommalogues (PR0). ONE (1) link per company only.

2. I will require a 125x125 thumbnail along with your main page's link in my list.

3. Your link will be up and running in all my blogs from October 2014 - end of December 2014. The list will remain in my site but the links will be converted to plain text to avoid problems with the big G after the event.

Leave your Company's name and homepage link in my form if you wish to participate and let my readers and followers know more about your company too.

**This is an extra with a fee. If you want me to post a promotional article about your company and product with matching pictures which will also be in the It's My Party Holiday Gift Guide List for 2014, then after signing up in the form, there is a part there where it says, "This portion is not mandatory" - click that and send a payment of $5 to the paypal address mentioned in the form. This is not mandatory but it will surely give you more exposure and coverage. You may even have a ready made promotional article for a particular product you want to add in my guide, please feel free to use it, just inform me. It will still fall under this paid category.

I will collect applications from today until Sept. 20, 2014. This will allow me enough time to prepare the It's My Party Holiday Gift Guide for 2014! I hope you'll support this event.

If you have any clarifications or queries, please send an email to msculit at yahoo dot com with a subject line: Holiday Guide.


Apply here by filling up the form: (if you are unable to see the form below due to browsers issues, here is the link:


  1. How nice of you sis to do this for free!

    1. Thanks sis Rose. If you know any one who cna benefit from this, kindly spread the word. :)

  2. This is such a great idea! Thanks for offering!

    1. Thanks for signing up Alisha. :) And also, you're welcome. :) :)


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