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24 October 2015

5 Tips To Get Active This Winter

There is no denying but winter will soon be upon us. And what does that mean to the active and health buff people out there? It will be more challenging to pound the road for a quick run outdoors or pull yourself up from bed from that nice slumber.

Getting fit is a must to live a healthy life. Winter time is not as friendly as the other seasons when it comes to exercising. Regardless, people must stay fit what ever the season may be. So, how do you get active this winter without having frostbites?

Here are some tips you can follow to help you pump that adrenalin even if you are stuck indoors especially at the coldest time of winter:

Clean the house

This can be done regardless of season and perhaps, you will still burn more calories when you do it during the colder climate because your body will try to expel those calories by warming up your body.  All those lifting, sweeping, dusting, and taking out of garbage stash can move a lot of muscles and burn fats.

Shovel snow on your driveway (and even your elderly neighbours)

Now this will be a surefire way to burn those flabs because of the torso bending and arm muscle movements you will do. Do not just shovel your driveway but also do a good favour to your elderly neighbours, if you have some.  It will be twice as much effort on your part which will burn more calories too. Many shovelled driveways = many calories burned!

Go skating, sledding, have snow fights

Not only are they fun to do during winter, they also pose many muscle movements that will help churn those calories out.

I have taken this info from to show you how sledding can burn lots of calories. This is just an example.

(Photo credit:

Exercise at home

Yes, even if you are stuck at home, watching TV or just reading a good novel, you can interject an exercise routine at home. If you cannot go to the gym, let the gym come to you. And how, buy small gym equipments even before the cold winter comes. Your purchase does not have to be very expensive. You can buy a simple stepper, small barbels, jumping rope, or even the hula hoop! Try to equip yourself with simple gym equipments. A treadmill can prove to be wise purchase especially if you can buy one that you can store under your bed or fold later on.

(Photo credit:

Walk in the mall

If there's not much space to walk around your home, go to the nearby mall and walk inside the heated premises. That way, you get your dose of retail therapy even when you're just window shopping. Walking inside the mall can increase your heart rate and help in the burning of fats in the process. Dress warmly and appropriately for the activity because brisk walking can still make your perspire.

1 comment :

  1. I thought about using my treadmill today but I love walking outside so even though my fingers felt like they were frozen, it was worth it.


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