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19 October 2013

Rest In Peace Tatay Pat

I am reposting this from my other blog (I Said, She Said) in honor of my beloved father-in-law, Patricio.

Today, my father-in-law joined our Creator to his eternal peace.  We received the news last night (around 11:30 PM, Dubai time) and usually, calls at ungodly hours are never good.
After battling pneumonia, complication with diabetes and an infection in the brain and being in comatose for almost 3 months, my father-in-law is now pain-free.
Pat, as he was fondly called by his family and friends was a fine man who lived a humble life while helping others and ensuring his family's  bright future even if it meant being away from them for most parts of their lives.
Tatay Pat, I am so glad you were my father-in-law. I thank you for all that you have done for us. I am also happy that at least, while you were in the hospital and in coma, I managed to tell you how thankful we all are for having you as our father and our princess' grand dad. We love you Tatay Pat and go towards the light. You are now in peace...

Good bye Tatay Pat. May you rest in heavenly peace...

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