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07 February 2014

5 New Careers You Should Consider

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It’s easy to be discouraged by unemployment statistics but the reality is there has never been a better time to change careers. There are some very strong growth industries that could offer you a chance at a brand new career path. With a little lateral thinking and some training you could set yourself on a pathway to a prosperous and fulfilling future.

Where to Start

Don’t be overwhelmed. It’s not that difficult to change career paths. Spend sometime researching the industries that are seeing strong employment growth; think about what you are good at and passionate about; and then decide what could be a good fit for you.

Next, sign up for some training and get the qualifications you need. Training options are relatively inexpensive and incredibly flexible. Learning is generally self-paced and is usually offered externally. Check out HBA Learning Centres Australia for an example of how today’s training is designed to fit your schedule and your needs. As Nike says, “Just do it”.

Step Up into Management

Perhaps you don’t need to change the sector you work in as much as you need totake up a step up into management. Your years of experience can be put to gooduse and earn you an excellent income. Many highly experienced people just needsome training in management to equip them to take a step up into a more fulfilling role. Being experienced in an area doesn’t necessarily make you a good manager, there are strategies and skills you need to learn to help you excel in a management role. Management training is definitely worth considering.;

Child Services

A major growth industry is in the arena of childcare. Working parents are on the increase and quality childcare is top of mind for most of them. If you have a passion for children, this is definitely a career choice you should consider. Options include being a childcare worker or being engaged in the planning, implementation and management of early childhood services.

Safety is Huge

Workplace Health and Safety is a massive growth area, particularly within the mining industry. If you would like to coordinate and maintain the workplace health and safety program of an orrganisation, then this could be the career for you. Training will help you to develop the knowledge base and skills to work within a wide variety of contexts.

Become a Trainer

Many people who have significant life and work experience make excellent trainers. Adult education is another growth area and work in this field is both interesting and rewarding. Gain qualifications in training and assessment services and you can put your skills, experience and knowledge base to work for you. This is an excellent career choice for anyone who has a desire to pass on their knowledge to help equip others.


Another excellent way to utilise your experience is to gain qualifications in auditing. This will allow you to apply your knowledge to help others plan and evaluate their work practices. Training will give the managerial competencies required to tackle this career.


  1. Lots of ideas coming from your knowledge of the manpower market. Truly, your helpful article's the best for this subject matter.

  2. It's great that there are a lot of training options available nowadays and some are even offered for free.

  3. Reinventing your career is the name of the game. Once does not have to remain at the same job description. It is either you step up the game of diversify.

  4. I am stuck in a career rut lol. All I dream about now is staying at home and be a housewife...

  5. Lots of ideas here - I must say though - I was a management systems auditor so I need a few more suggestions to make it 5!

  6. I don't think I want another career as of now. I love being a WAHM.


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