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13 February 2014

Yahoo's Auto Compose A Valentine Message Feature

The last time I checked before dozing off was my yahoo account for any pending assignments that I might have missed last night. So, as soon as I got up, I checked my mail right away and I saw a tiny heart pulsating each time my mouse hovers it.

 photo yahoo1.jpg

I got curious because it said "Auto Compose a Valentine Message." So I thought, this should be interesting. True enough, it is interesting and cute at the same time because once you click the throbbing heart, you will be directed to a new message. There's a tab in the lower part of the screen towards the left where you can choose the type of message you like to send out.

 photo yahoo2.jpg

I tried all of them (but didn't send to anyone) just to see what was written. There are 3 choices on the drop down menu:

Crazy in Love

 photo yahoo3.jpg

Friendly Love

 photo yahoo4.jpg

All Outta Love

 photo yahoo5.jpg

They are cute, funny and witty especially the All Outta Love. They kept changing so if you change your mind about the message, just select again from the drop down menu and you'll get a different message; maybe funnier or cringe-worthy next time.

 photo yahoo6.jpg

Check it out! I might just send something to my dear hubby if everything else fails me!


  1. i did not noticed it, as i checked on it now it is beside the compose tab hihi, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Cool Yahoo feature! Will definitely check this- out of curiosity

  3. i did not even know about this feature and to think I use yahoo email :) oh, I love the blue whale :)

  4. I haven't noticed this feature but it is worth checking out for fun.

  5. I always check my email using my smartphone that is why I didn't notice this. It would be nice to play with.

  6. cool feature I never open yahoo as I read or hotmail hehe i can't really relate though i know whats yahoo is. this looks very good this time of the month!

  7. This is one cool feature for V day. Too bad, I don't have a target recipient. It would have been fun to try it earlier today.

  8. hahahaha that is cool! hmmm the hubby and I had a post Vday lover's silly quarrel hahaha one of those Yahoo auto valentine messages just might make him laugh :) missed you sis! happy birthday to your lovely daughter....I had fun stalking my son at the prom last night hihihihi....

  9. yay! this is cool! So this is how it is pala. I saw it in my inbox too but just ignored thinking that it's just Yahoo's way of celebrating the Hearts Day. Hehehe

    Thanks for sharing sis!

  10. I find them really witty but in my case, it's a lot different if it comes from the heart. :)

  11. How cool! I never noticed it! I am now 2 days late to have a check. LOL!

    So did you end up sending the hubs a V-day message using that Yahoo feature, Sis?

  12. I didn't notice this since I checked my emails on my phone. But it would be cool to use such feature.

  13. Ohhhh I'm too late for this one! I should have checked Yahoo! two weeks ago and try the feature. Next year nalang LOL


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