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01 August 2014

5 Tips to Successfully Market Your Blog on Facebook

Using social media – particularly Facebook – to promote your blog can be a really effective way to grow your web traffic and increase readers. While posting your latest blog entry is definitely an essential part of the process, there may be other ways that you can harness social media to build a strong brand.

Photo not mine

1. Start Conversations

Turn your Facebook profile into an engaged, captive community by posting statuses and pictures that encourage your audience to talk not only with you, but amongst themselves. The conversation starters can be serious or frivolous or a combination of both depending on what suits your own brand better. Conversations aren't one sided exchanges – so make sure you join in the chat too.

2. Have A Strategic Plan

An integrated marketing and communications strategy is an essential business tool. Social media activity and campaigns should be part of your overall marketing plan and have goals, measures and outcomes associated with each platform. If you're not sure where to start, consider contacting a full service digital agency like Market Smartly.

3. Share Archived Content

As your audience grows, on both your blog and social media, there is a real opportunity to highlight some of your previous posts to your new readers. Some of the biggest blogs in the business have found that their monthly Facebook reach is now significantly higher than their website visitors, so reposts of relevant articles from the archives can help convert your social media followers to website traffic and keep them engaged.

4. Use Responsive Design

Mobiles and tablets use is on the rise – in fact, it is anticipated that they are quickly going to eclipse desktop and laptop as the primary way people access the internet and are already the dominant social media medium – so being “mobile friendly” isn't enough. It is essential that your blog or website loads quickly and above all else has functionality on any device so that when your followers click your links, they can read your post and comment/interact with your page.

5. Post Relevant Content Often

The Facebook news feed moves quickly so only checking into your page once or twice a week may not be enough to capture the attention of your audience. Multiple posts a day are recommended for maximum impact and engagement. Make sure you vary what you're putting out and have a balance between your own content, topical conversation starters and other fun or relatable pictures, stories or memes.

Knowing how to best utilise each social media platform to get the results you want can be confusing but one of the most important things to remember is to be strategic, but also to be yourself. The interactive, highly personal nature of Facebook makes it a great way to not only share your latest content, but also share part of your personality and have some fun with the people you're trying to connect with.

What’s your best tip for growing your blog’s brand on Facebook?

1 comment :

  1. Now that I don't participate on Alexa hopping, I am concentrating on promoting my own blog posts through crossposting the photos and believe it or not, I get visitors to my blog from it.


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